Using the Wisdom of the Body in Sick Financial Times

During difficult times the easiest thing to do is to blame someone. In a health crisis, when we look to blame someone, our focus is directed externally and we become victims unable to change our inner reality. Do we really want to become victims during difficult times?We may not be able to control the International financial situation, but we can control how we deal with it. Regardless of how you think politically, how you interpret our economic situation causes the stress your body creates. If a negative part of you becomes the way you see that problem, negative responses are natural. If a wise connected part of you deals with economic difficulties, positive responses naturally bubble up to deal with it.We may learn valuable lessons when we focus on what went wrong, but the solution will not come from looking in the rear view mirror. We have plenty to do within us, for we have to change the way we perceive reality. In health Norman Cousins said “You either reside in your body or you preside over your body”. In this difficult financial times you either reside in poor economic times or you preside over your difficult times using the Wisdom of your Body.In a health crisis, you can change your self image to better deal with your health threat. You can consciously develop the skills of self trust so you rely on powerful inner resources and you learn how to control negative thinking. In a financial crisis those skills are essential also.A person facing the threat of death often relies on the Wisdom of the Body to take an active role; it is instinctual to survive. In a financial crisis the Wisdom of the Body is easily replaced by logic. In difficult financial times we have to consciously decide to rely on our inner wisdom in harmony with the experts in the same way patients respond to their doctors. In both cases, responding from inner wisdom creates less stress and preserves a quality of life.When you face a difficult challenge, be responsible to what part of you responds. That may be the only thing that you can control. This will not pay your bills or recover lost money, but it will sustain a quality of life as you go through your struggle.© Marc Lerner & Life Skills 2009